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2 Ergebnisse.

La perra

Quintana, Pilar (Colombia)
La perra

La novela ganadora de los premios Biblioteca de Narrativa Colombiana, LiBeraturpreis (Alemania), English PEN Translates Award ( Reino Unido) y finalista del National Book Award (Estados Unidos)

En un pequeño pueblo del Pacífico, donde confluyen la perfección de la naturaleza y la violencia de la región, tiene lugar la historia de Damaris, una mujer de la zona entrada en la madurez que lle...

CHF 27.00


Quintana, Pilar / Dillman, Lisa
Lead title of Fall 2022 The author's most recent novel, La perra / The Bitch, received the prestigious Colombian Biblioteca de Narrativa Award in 2018, the PEN Award in 2020, was shortlisted for the National Book Award in Translated Literature 2020, and is being translated in fourteen countries. In addition, the audiovisual rights have been sold for film and video The Bitch received a ton of press, including a starred PW review, and reviews ...

CHF 22.90